Metatron Part 3 - First Knight of All-Mother Sophia
The following statements are based on my very personal understanding and view of an event that happened a very long time ago and has been deliberately neglected, suppressed and deliberately changed in the writing of history. I am putting my knowledge here, drawn from my heart and my spiritual guidance, because I feel it is time to write about it and to help dissolve and heal the distortion in our collective consciousness and human knowledge. I do not presume to write the absolute truth, but I assure you that I write what I feel is true, what I see, what I feel and what I have been told.
No one should feel that their tradition or belief has been violated. This is not my intention. I want to give what I believe or know to be true, just as we have all been given some knowledge over the centuries that other beings have passed on to us as their truth. In this sense I ask you to read and understand my contribution. It is an offering to the children of the new age. In order to better grasp the nature and meaning of such a high spiritual being and angel as Metatron, to even begin to understand it, it is necessary to also deal with the nature of the God of the Old Testament.
Both forces are interdependent and interact with each other, are closely connected in a certain way.
What happened, I ask, before the world, or rather man, appeared in the physical world? A holy being that we know as Sophia left her sphere, the 12th part of the second aeon of the imperishable realm of an eternal indescribable spirit. It is the imperishable, ineffable primordial realm of the Pre-Father and Pre-Mother and their only child, the Adam of Light. A sacred being generated from itself that in its complexity, harmony and glory represents the first divine human being created in man-femininity. In this, let us call it world, everything reigned or rather rested in absolute perfection and harmony, moved and animated by the one power that describes the primordial principle of all being – divine love.
This love is unconditional, infinite, compassionate, divine and it is cosmic, that is, not limited to our world of physicality. This world is and was the beginning of All That Is.
The first thought came from it, as did the first light, the first sound, the first creation. Sophie left the Aeon of Wisdom and wanted to create a creation in joy and love. The story is described and known in this way, but distorted in its core. What happened, however, is that a god-like being was created, with abilities and indescribable power that are inconceivable to us. It was incomplete in itself, because the male blessing was not included in the act of creation, could not be included. The reason certainly plays the decisive role here. This will be written about in detail later in another article. Half of the creation, of this being that was given a threefold masculine power, fell into the shadow at the moment of creation, the other half remained in the light.
The being became ambivalent in itself and, so to speak, duality in its pure form. It received at least three names for the trinity of its being: Jaldabaoth, Saklas and Samael. The latter means „the blind god“. The Holy Spirit sensed the imbalance in the process, so the blessing was not given. Furthermore, a veil, a kind of veil was drawn between the high imperishable realm and the now emerging impermanent world. Everything that came to life from that moment on below or rather within the veil was and is transient. This is an eminently important statement in itself. It does not come from me. He who wants to see will find and hear.
At the moment of his awakening, the new divine being saw only himself, no one was present, at least apparently. Feeling his divine power, Samael understood himself as a god, saw no other existing order and was thus not able to accept any transcending order. For him/her (Samael is malefemale) this possibility did not exist. So it created its own world and order, instinctively following the native realm of his mother in the pleroma, whose existence he did not know, did not feel and later also refused. Everything that was created was now transient and subject to the ambivalence and polarity of his being. His love and his creation, his giving was not unconditional, but he/she set conditions, called his order. Among other things, described in 10 commandments. Thus, metaphorically speaking, our world came into being in the ethereal with all its angelic hierarchies, elementals, the various pantheons (yes, there are several gods) and finally inherent in the physical human being with the thought of separation, of condition, of love but also of hate, of abundance but also of lack, of recognition and adoration but also of envy and greed. Everything was represented.
We know the story from this point onwards from our everyday experiences and we often feel it to be problematic, distorted, untrue or better put – not in harmony and balance. Man was given free will for decision making and at the same time everything was done from the beginning to influence and manipulate this decision making of free will for an outside will. This is our reality. The fullness that spirit gives exists in nature. It is not lived in the human kingdom, provided one follows society. Or better put, abundance and beauty, love and compassion, does not apply to all. We have conditions to fulfil… Unless you wake up and act as an awakened being. The Glory of the World of White Light, our All-Mother saw this with sadness and pain and in infinite love She descended to the creation of the Demiurgos Samael, into incarnation. Several times, to awaken man, God’s Son and Daughter. She, giving of Herself, came into physicality several times in all our different humanities. We know of her as Kuan Yin, as Lady Nada or also Mary Magdalene. But furthermore she came to earth, the Morther turned into matter itself, she formed earth out of her energy and fell into matter. So she is as well literally Mothr Earth!
Her first light, her first emanation, her first ray, the first king of white light given to humanity as the son of man and becoming humanity was consciously taken away from the path of oneness and allsoul love without conditions. In order to give this development a balance, it was decided long beforehand from the highest throne, the Meta-Throne, that the Creator of the world, the „Almighty“ Demiurgos, would be assisted in his actions by an divine Entity. This high entity took on the difficult task of balancing the unbalanced restrictive work in the newly created world with unconditional devotion and love, even to the point of selfsacrifice. We know this being as Metatron, the first angel, the angel of origin, the first ray. Metatron, coming from a direct line of Sophia-Christ consciousness, holds the first light and thus the truth in love and compassion.
He is the Apa-Manu-Ra. the Ancient of Days for this humanity. The Manu of the first light, the world soul. This first light brought us the cube of the hexagonal structure.
But, and this is important, not spellbound or banned into a circle or sphere. It is the key to understanding our world. It carries the secret of the sacred water, the ether of the All-Seeing First Existence. Hexagonal water is the water of our body. It is kohärent water. So to say it is water in order of the divine itention, those atoms are dancing all the same rhythm and melodie. Pure healing and booster of live. You find such water in wells in nature. It is the optimal water structure of our 3D world in physics.
But in order for our ascension or better expansion into 5D wen need an even more divine nature of water. This water then has the a 12 + 1 atomic molecular structur (refers to the bindu point) and it is similar to a dodekaeder, just to give you an impression. This water structure is the basement of our DNA upgrade and has already start to build up itself and this happens worldwide now. This real ancient sacred water once was named LASKA. This water that carries and unites the trinity of cold fire, spirit and water. Pure power of creation!
It was all never about the 6, no, it is and was in regards to our origin folks always about the 12 + 1.
This of course counts for water as well because we ARE water.
Back to Meta-Tron. In love for the creation of the Sophia of the 12th Aeon, a part of himself emanated in deepest love into the physical, into matter, into chaos.
In order not to attract attention and not to set a paradox before the divine ruler of our world, Metatron could not descend directly into the realm below the veiling, into the heavens of our gods. No, he had to go into incarnation himself and live a life that was very lovingly dedicated in devotion to the Creator God YHWH, as the name became known. This he did accordingly and the attention of the high realms and angels was gained. He was thus shown the heavens of the Almighty during his lifetime and after 365 years was allowed to ascend to that ambivalent God. He went from being the man Enoch to Metatron, the angel beyond the throne of God. When the YHWH saw him, it could not recognise Metatron. Uncertainty and yes, worry rose in him. Who was this being?
It could not understand because Metatron was the first being that YHWH had not created himself and he realised that there was an order OUTSIDE of his. The effects shook the heavens and caused the greatest unrest. When physical people saw and reported the presence of Metatron alongside the Almighty in visions, Metatron was punished, at least it was told like this although not very likely. The entity of white light, Metatron, surrendered and endured everything in love and compassion, seemingly submitting to the existing order. Knowing that his mission was now fulfilled. He had brought truth, the knowledge of the existence and imperishability of the realm of the All-Mother. Soon after, Metatron, whose true name is sacred, withdrew from the sphere of influence of the lower heavens and our known gods. He has incarnated again at this time, and lives in portions in various of us. As a collective being, together with the holiness of the All-Mother, the Pronoia of the First Thought, he will rise again, anchor the Sophia Christ consciousness and give rise to the new world.
For those who see, hear and act in love. If we do not remove the veil of deception from the past and send light into history, true selfknowledge in the present is not possible and we will sing our future in a false song.
Only a melody for the new world that is pure in sound can receive white light and transform it into physical creation.
Aho. Rainbow Eagle – Reijk Nilson